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How can I earn susGain points for an activity?

Below the activity name you can see the mechanism used to verify the activity completion and points earned. The currently available options are:

  1. QR/Pin code: Scan QR code or enter 4 digit pin found on event poster or display.
  2. GPS validation: Locate the nearest data point on the app using the map. At the location, perform required action and tap on ‘Confirm GPS’ to confirm your participation. Click on the black arrow in the bottom right corner to calibrate your GPS.
  3. Complete quiz: Upon completion of the quiz you will receive a notification to confirm your submission. Once your submission has been approved, the points for this activity will be automatically credited to your account.
  4. Upload picture/description: Upon completion of the activity you will receive a notification to confirm your submission. Once your submission has been approved, the points for this activity will be automatically credited to your account.

susGain Pte Ltd
21 Tan Quee Lan Street #02-04 Heritage Place
Singapore 188108


Ⓒ susGain 2024